Taƞyaƞ yahi ye/do! Welcome!

Welcome to Mnisota Dakota Iapi Owayawa, the website for the Dakota language course sequence at the University of Minnesota.

The Font:

If this is your first time here, please be advised that in order to properly view this site, you'll need to 1) install a special Dakota font on your computer and 2) set the font-reading preferences in your browser. If you haven't done this yet, click here.

The Password:

This site is password-protected. It is for educational purposes only, for teachers and students of the Dakota language, or for teachers of other indigenous languages interested in getting ideas for teaching their languages. The Dakota language is precious and sacred. Due to abuses in the past, the language is in danger. Few people speak it now. Hopefully this website will help some people acquire a little bit of conversational ability in the language, but it cannot replace a real teacher. This website is meant to supplement the teachings of living people. The best way to learn is from a living mentor. Think of this website more as a dietary supplement, rather than the full meal.

To enter this site, you will be asked for your login and password. If you've been invited to this website, you probably already have the keys. If not, e-mail the site administrator or course instructor and explain your interest. If all you want is an "Indian name" or something translated into Dakota, this is not the right place. This is for learners and teachers of the language.
